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Rank #1. Podcast cover. Om Big data. Du har säkert hört  Ben Scott on the Big Tech Podcast policy on the latest episode of the #BigTechPodcast: https://www In this podcast, Katre Eljas-Taal, Managing Partner of Technopolis Group Baltics discusses how Artificial Technopolis Group big and open data capabilities  What is #BigData?

Bernard Marr's Future of Business & Technology Podcast Joined by Bruno Aziza - January Catch Up in Tech, AI & Big Data.

Få hävstång på Big Data via AI - Business Wellness Podcast

Sharing crumbs of knowledge and experience collected from working in the big data ecosystem. Außerdem kommen vor allem aus den USA noch eine ganze Reihe weiterer Podcasts zu aktuellen IT-Themen, die auch immer wieder BI und Big Data berühren. ( Eine ausführliche Liste finden Sie hier ) Derzeit scheint es keine deutschsprachigen Podcasts zu geben, die sich ausschließlich auf BI-Themen fokussieren (falls doch, freuen wir uns über Ihren Hinweis: ).

Big data podcast

UR Samtiden: Demokrati i en digital era – Risker med big data

Big data podcast

Read the original article here. Big Data (Audio) McKinsey High Tech, MicKinsey on High Tech Podcasts “McKinsey on High Tech Podcasts featuring interviews with leaders and experts from McKinsey & Company’s High Tech Practice. Presented by IBM (maybe you’ve heard of them), Big Data & Analytics Hub podcasts provide the latest thinking on big data, analytics, and their implications for the enterprise from a range of experts spanning many industries. If a more buttoned-up, professional podcast is more up your alley, this may be the one for you. This podcast explores the topic When Big Data Speaks Business: how KPIs are operationalized to inform decision-makers with the insights they need to be truly data-driven too.

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